Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ah, daylight savings time

WHAT is the deal with daylight savings time?

WHAT individual in their right mind thinks, "OH, I'll have people set their clocks backward and foreward two times a year. That'll work."

Fall Back - Yep, that's how I remember it. And, it's cool. I get an extra hour of exhaustion induced sleep on the Sunday morning on which it falls. Of course, that rarely REALLY happens since I wake up thinking, "OMG! What time is it? Am I late? Am I early? Where am I supposed to be?"

Spring Forward - Now... THIS sucks. Who the heck LIKES getting up an hour earlier. Certainly not me. Of course, EVERYONE in the house is screwed up on this turnover, including the dogs.

I'm convinced that every OTHER civilized country does NOT do this. Why do we Americans always have to be different. *shakes head*

Anyhoo, I've gotten used to the new time now and things will be fine *I hope* in the morning.



Nelania said...

I think that both England and Australia do it also. Don't quote me on that!

Nelania said...

yes, I signed up here since you don't allow anonymous postings. Oh well, I probably won't be using this one though.