Friday, July 04, 2008

How Hard Can it Be... Being a Mom?

How hard can it be... being a mom?

A very interesting question, and one that I asked myself over and over and over and OVER again when I was younger. My mom did it. Her mom did it. Her mom did it. And, you guessed it, HER mom did it. So, I asked myself as I looked at the little pink double line on the pregnancy test almost 10 years ago, "How are can it be... being a mom?"


  • It's hard to be a mom when you have no instructions. I mean, let's face it. You go to the hospital, you get to experience an enormous amount of pain, they keep you two days to make sure you aren't going to die and then the hospital staff sends you home with a newborn. YOUR newborn. Good gracious people! What are you thinking?
  • It's hard to be a mom when you HAVE instructions. 'What to Expect When Your Expecting', 'The First 12 Months', 'The Toddler Years'... Ok, I don't need BOOKS people, I need HELP! H - E - L - P !
  • It's hard to be a mom when the first word your child says is, "Da da." WHAT!? *Goes back to birth scenario in bullet #1*
  • It's hard to be a mom when your child walks for the first time. We've all been there. Well, just about all of us. Your child takes that first step and TA DA; they're mobile. Yep. Mobile. Nothing like the Fear of God hitting you right then and there.
  • It's hard to be a mom when they're sick. Whining, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, sniffling, gagging, hurling, sweating, crying, writhing and aching kind of sick. I'll bet I've been thrown up on more than you have.
  • It's hard to be a mom when they're bored. "Mommy, I'm bored." "I know." "But, I'm BORED." "I know." "But...." *sigh* "Wanna go for ice cream?"
  • It's hard when the go to school for the first time. I was a mess. Yep, a mess. Here was my little Anthony with a back pack bigger than he was, heading off to school with the 'big kids'. My heart was in my throat and my stomach was churning. And guess what? Brendan? Same feelings. Sophia? She's heading to Kindergarten in the fall. *I think I may hurl.*
  • It's hard to be a mom when your kids ride their bikes to a friends house, ALONE, for the first time. "Call me when you get there." "Right." "Remember, don't talk to strangers." "Right." "What happens if a stranger talks to you?" "Don't talk to them." "What else?" *pause* "Keep riding?" "Right. What if he/she follows you?" "Keep riding... only faster?" "Right. What if --" "Never mind, Mom, I think I'll stay home."
  • It's hard to be a mom when your daughter paints her toenails... with a sharpie. *Sigh. Need I say more?*
So... you can sort of get my drift here. No one TOLD me that it would be this hard. No one explained the rules.

Of course, no one COULD tell me it would be this hard. No one COULD explain the rules.

Then again, no one could imagine how much love I have for my children each and every day they're around.

They're my babies.

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