Monday, June 18, 2007

Second Shelf From the Top... WAAAAAYYYY In the Back

Ok... so these were my words, slowly said at least three times, to my eight year old after he inquired on whether we had any microwave popcorn.

First time... "Mommy? Do we have any popcorn?" My response: "Yes, second shelf from the top, way in the back."

(He looks on the first shelf under the top cupboard.)

Second time... "SECOND shelf, way in the back, Anthony."

(He looks on the second shelf from the bottom.)

Third time... "S-e-c-o-n-d s-h-e-l-f from the TOP, waaaaayyyy in the back, honey."

His response after finally locating said popcorn, "Oh, thanks."

He's such a cute boy. Reddish-brown, curly hair (the girl-hair he got from his mom - me), stick thin like his dad and smart as a whip (although you might be saying, "Yeah... and what about this popcorn episode?"). But, when it comes to our pantry... the little guy just gets way too confused.

"Why?" you ask in a disinterested voice as you yawn over this entry.

Well, our pantry in done in a weird fashion and one never knows whether the top cupboard is the first shelf or not... (easier to show someone than explain.). AT ANY RATE... (now I'm bored)....

The popcorn is on the second shelf from the top of the second cupboard, waaaaaaay in the back.

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