Sunday, August 20, 2006

Say 'YES' to splotches...

1. Family attends BBQ for ASSE Exchange Students... children play in God knows what kind of outdoor plants and eat goodness knows what kind of food while in attendance.

2. Family returns home tired, full and socially satisfied.

3. Family wakes up on Saturday morning to find 30% of 6 1/2 year old son's body covered in red, raised splotchy patches. Son isn't itching... still wants to go to golf lessons with older brother and grandpa. Parents agree.

4. 6 1/2 year old son comes home later (much more golf savvy) and stays splotch-free all afternoon and early evening after 24 hour dose of Claritin.

5. Mom and Dad drop off children at sitter's for evening of adult-based fun.

6. Mom and Dad pick up children. 6 1/2 year old son has 80% of his body covered in red, raised splotchy patches.

7. Mother calls pediatrician (again), runs out to buy Benadryl while dad gives son Aveeno bath in luke-warm water.

8. Mom comes home, gives son Benadryl, mom and dad put son to bed.

Moral of story... red, raised splotches come to those who wait.

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