Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ummmmmmmmmm... bridge?

Ok, so, the kids and I finished reading 'Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix' the other night. (I KNOW you're thinking, *Where the HELL has SHE been? That's been out for AGES!*, but I've got a REALLY good reason for being behind the times.

I'm a mom.

P-Sha you say? Well, try doing ANYTHING with three kids under the age of 8 around. Even going to the frikkin bathroom is a momumental activity... so, being caught up with the Harry Potter groupies just hasn't been in my cards. Now, that isn't to say I haven't tried. I've led several evenings of reading using bribery as a key tool to obtain permission to read more than one chapter at a time. I mean, all's fair in reading and war and I want to WIN!

So... this mom thing (even though I digress from Harry and Umbridge at the moment) can really cut into your personal reading time. I mean, I have issues reading the cake box without one of my little darlings yelling, "MOOOOOOMMY!" and me having to divert my attention to the latest catastrophe of the hour. Which usually includes things like, butt wiping, spill containing, TV channel turning, Oobi watching, bug catching, bug smashing, bug funerals, marker closing, wall washing, bath or shower giving, puddle-jumping, toilet unclogging (a whole roll of Dixie Cups will wreak havoc on your plumbing), cricket catching, swing pushing and various other activities that I get called upon to participate in throughout the day.

Of course, don't get me wrong... I LOVE being home with my kids. My husband has offered several times to stay at home and be the Stay-at-Home parent and I've said, "No... that's okay." I'm just stating that my me-time is somewhat limited.

Anyway, back to the book...

All I have to say is that J.K. Rowling is a bit... yeah a BIT disturbed! Who the hell comes up with a quill that when you write with it, the words are written in your own blood from the back of your hand??? *shudders repeatedly* And, this is a KIDS book? What kind of kids...?

*Wait, don't answer that question.*

Let's all face it, this Umbridge woman is SO evil she makes Snape look like Barney (somehow picturing the potions teacher as a large, purple dinosaur makes me giggle). I mean, she's the kind that if she drove a car you'd want it key'd or the tires popped. What would be the equivalent for a broom? The handle gets carved on or the bristles get pulled out?

And Harry... I know he's been manipulated by He-Who-Could-Not-Be-Named at this point but, let's get things straight... THIS woman is as evil as they come (unless you want to count my last semester Spanish professor, Sra. Gifford) and he should have reported her fat butt when things first started. Or AT LEAST told Hermione.... she can solve anything. She's the MacGyver of Hogwarts. Give her a bit of chewing gum and a raffle ticket and she could take on Umbrige with one hand tied behind her back!

Anyway, again I digress....

I just hope that the next book will find someone even MORE gastly to take the place of the portly, google-eyed prof. I need a change of scenery.

(And btw... I KNOW who croaks in that one.)


1 comment:

Nelania said...

Yes, Umbridge is evil. As for Rowling's reasons for writing what she did, who knows? But, she has written more and more adult like material as the books go on because Harry and the others age as the books continue. I guess she thought that the kids could handle the truth that the world can be a cruel place.

Personally, I like that about Rowling, how she builds the story as she goes along, gives off little tidbits with each book and increases the level of (evilness?) is that even a word? lol

The next book has it's moments, but I don't think it's quite as shocking (except for the ending of course, but you already know about that), maybe because we've gotten used to the idea that this isn't going to end without some bloodshed. *shrugs*

Anyway, I love these books. I can’t often lose myself in a book and that has happened with everyone of these books. I also love Hermione, she can be a little annoying at times I suppose, but she puts up with the other two for the most part and she has a great heart.

So much to comment about and so little time. . .