Thursday, August 10, 2006

Still here and kicking... A Summer Update

Here I am! I'm still here! I've made it through seven and a half weeks of summer vacation with my 8, 6 and 3 year old. I tell ya, I know now why some mammals eat their young!

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my children and have enjoyed playing with them, taking them to the zoo, making forts, playing gamecube, watching cartoons, running through the sprinker, going to the playground and visiting with friends. HOWEVER, the fighting, yelling, whining, screaming, poking and general unruliness of the past several weeks is starting to fray my nerves and turn my usual brown hair gray.

... And people wonder why mothers (and yes those stay-at-home fathers) everywhere look tired. *rolls eyes* Shall I make a list?!

Adding to our family's excitement though this summer has been the addition of an exchange student from Mexico. A polite boy, the age of 17, named Santos. He has integrated well with our family (the boys love to play gamecube together) and we have enjoyed sharing our home and daily life with him. It will be a sad day when he leaves to be with his permanent host family for the regular school year.

Coming up on Aug 21st is my return to work at a local elementary school. Yes, even para-educators have to go back to school, I am no exception. I love it there and the staff and children have made THIS job seem like no job at all. A rarity in this day and age. So, another year with the kids that I've begun to love as my own... how can I go wrong.

The time spent with Santos has made me remember that I want to keep going with my Spanish classes that I dropped last winter. So, like a good girl, I re-registered for the next class and started praying that I'll have the time and fortitude to finish in December. Now for the hard part... finding the darn money to take the class. Ahhhhh.... money... there's a topic a whole post could be devoted to, but I won't bore you.

So, alas, you have read in encapsulated form my last seven weeks. Sometimes, it's sad that it can fit into so short a space. At any rate, hopefully I will keep up with this site more than I have been. I owe to myself.


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